Publicaties & online cursussen
Whitepaper Generational Management for Primary Education
In primary education, many generations work together: from young generation students to classroom teachers and school administrators from various older generations.
Working with Different Generations | Inspiration for Sustainable Employability
Consciously working with different generations ensures the updating and renewal of the organization, especially in primary education.
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Online Masterclass in 9 Parts: The Power of Generational Diversity (2021), Together with the Generational Theatre
On-Demand Masterclass ‘The Power of Generational Diversity
New Generations in Aging Organizations
This highly updated edition of 'New Generations in Aging Organizations' delves deeper into the pivotal role new generations play in 'the evolution of our behavior
Online Masterclass ‘New Generations in Aging Organizations,’ in 4 Modules
Good to know that you can choose when to take the online masterclass. You can compare it to a Netflix series: you decide when to follow the different modules of the masterclass.
Whitepaper - Collaborating with Millennials
Because the young generation always brings something new to the workplace, we examined what gives millennials the most work energy and what drains it.
The Power of Generations
About 85% of companies & institutions in old economies are aging at an incredible rate. Many of them were very successful last century, but now face the ever more prevalent question of how to stay vital and up to date.
The new generation of working juniors, Generation Y (born between 1985 and 2000), is already causing quite a stir:
The Generation Puzzle
The Netherlands is in the midst of a generational shift. While the protest generation is gradually handing over its leadership role to Generation X,